Canine Hero: Rescued Dog Saves Owner by Detecting Skin Cancer Soon After Adoption.long

Canine Hero: Rescued Dog Saves Owner by Detecting Skin Cancer Soon After Adoption

It is widely known that dogs possess a superior sense of smell compared to humans. However, what many may not realize is that dogs have the incredible ability to detect diseases through their sense of smell. This was demonstrated by the Pine Street Foundation in California, where dogs were trained to detect breast and lung cancer with an impressive accuracy rate ranging from 88-97 percent.
Trained alert dogs have proven to be invaluable in alerting individuals to various health problems. There is no denying the special bond we share with dogs and the significant role they play in our lives and families. But what exactly is it that makes us love dogs so much? The answer to this question varies for each individual and each dog.
The loyalty and companionship dogs provide go well beyond simply providing them with food and shelter. Anyone who has ever witnessed a dog’s excitement upon their return home, or their joy at being reunited with a fellow canine friend, can attest to the depth of this bond.
There are countless heartwarming stories of dogs demonstrating remarkable loyalty to their owners. From the dog who would eagerly wait for his owner at the train station every day, to the dog who saved her owner’s life by alerting them to a suspicious spot on their skin, dogs continuously prove to be man’s best friend in more ways than one.
One such story is that of Lauren Gauthier, a 42-year-old attorney from East Amherst, New York, who rescued a hound pup named Victoria from an animal shelter filled with abandoned hunting dogs. As the founder of Magic’s Mission Beagle and Hound Rescue, Inc., Lauren has made it her mission to save these dogs in need. Victoria quickly became a cherished member of Lauren’s family, joining her, her husband Ben Chatman, and their beagle Lily, forming an unbreakable bond built on love and mutual rescue.


The situation unfolded when Lauren noticed a tiny red bump on her nose but brushed it off as unimportant. She thought it might just be a simple pimple or blocked pore near her right nostril. However, her new rescue dog, Victoria, seemed fixated on it, persistently sniffing the area.
“Every time I sat on the couch, she would come snuggle up to me and start sniffing that little spot on my nose, then she’d just sit and gaze at me,” Lauren shared with journalists from Allure.


Because of Victoria’s insistence and interest in the spot, Lauren made the decision to have it examined just to be safe in case it was more than a simple blemish on her face.
To Lauren’s surprise, the biopsy results showed that she had basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that makes up around 32 percent of all cancer cases worldwide. The cancer starts in a specific type of skin cell that generates new skin cells as the old ones perish. It typically presents as a slightly translucent bump on the skin, though it can manifest in other ways.
Basal cell carcinoma commonly develops on sun-exposed areas of the skin, such as the head and neck. According to Mayo Clinic, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun is believed to be the main cause of most basal cell carcinomas. Lauren suspects that her frequent use of tanning beds during her teenage years may have contributed to her skin cancer diagnosis.
Had she not taken action, that bothersome little bump on her nose could have spread to her nasal tissue and other parts of her face. In such a situation, invasive surgery would be required to remove it, potentially leading to disfigurement or even death.


“Victoria has been showered with treats and affection, thanks to her role in helping me through my battle with cancer,” Lauren expresses gratefully. Despite some minor scarring from the treatment, she sees her recovery as a testament to the life-saving bond between a pet and their owner.

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