Farewell Fido: Heartwarming Scene as Loyal Beagle Pretends to Be Lifeless to Prevent Family from Leaving Home.long

Farewell Fido: Heartwarming Scene as Loyal Beagle Pretends to Be Lifeless to Prevent Family from Leaving Home

This adorable video captures the sweet moment a loyal beagle pretends to be dead in order to stop his owners from leaving the house. Flash, a six-year-old beagle, consistently performs this trick whenever his beloved family members attempt to leave their home in Aberdeenshire. Not only does he do it when they try to exit the house, but he also does it when someone goes upstairs to go to bed.

The performance is so realistic that when one of them tries to move him across the floor, Flash pretends to be dead much to the amusement of his family. Despite his loyal behavior, Flash’s owners have to find ways to prevent him from pulling off his tricks. They have resorted to putting him in the kitchen before they leave the house. According to Sarah Norris, Flash’s owner, while it may be inconvenient when they are in a hurry, it’s quite entertaining. A funny and heartwarming video shows the beagle lying on the floor, seemingly immobile. Despite his owner’s efforts to move him, he remains stubbornly still. Eventually, he is lifted up and told to “go,” and he happily scurries off.

Flash, a six-year-old beagle pulls the stunt every time his beloved owners try to leave the family home in Aberdeenshire

Flash, a playful six-year-old beagle, always comes up with tricks when his adoring family in Aberdeenshire tries to head out of the house.

The act is so convincing that when one of them try's to drag him across the floor, Flash lies stone dead much to the delight of his family

The performance was so believable that when one of them attempted to pull Flash across the floor, he remained motionless, causing his family to cheer with joy.

Flash's owner, Sarah Norris said: 'It's not great when you're in a hurry but it's very amusing'

Sarah Norris, the owner of Flash, remarked that while it may be inconvenient when you’re in a rush, she finds it quite entertaining.

Eventually he lifts him up onto all fours and tells him to 'go' and he scurries out

In the end, he hoists him onto his feet and commands him to “move,” and he quickly scampers away.

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